Carson had his 6th set of tubes put in at Primary Childrens Medical Center on June 27th. He was such a brave boy. Here he is in the cute PJ's! They placed butterfly tubes, which are perminent tubes that will have to be surgically removed and the hole closed later. They cleaned the scar tissue out of his ear canals, checked his adenoids and tonsils and cleaned everything up.
They gave him a buddy that they allowed him to do all the things to the buddy that they were going to do to him before the surgery. A pulse ox, a blood pressure, listen with a stetheschope, dress and color him,
put on an oxygen mask,
place and hang an IV,
and do surgery on his ears, it was so so so cute, and he still sleeps with his buddy every night.
Well this was by far the toughest surgery yet, he threw up a ton after, all over me, they had to bring me scrubs to wear! He threw up in the car on the way home, just really really miserable so hopefully its the last one! Here we are going home with buddy!
Well we go back for a follow up hearing test and surgery checkup on the 10th of August! Here is to hoping this fixes the problems!