Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Surgery!

Well I know its been 5 days but Carson had surgery on Friday. He did very well considering. The doctor came in and said he did get both tendons and the nerves but she was able to repair them all, it is still not known what kind of feeling and function he will have that will just have to be seen in time. He has been a trooper, we noticed his splint slipping off over the weekend and then the worst happened....It got wet! This is bad! I called his doc and she said to get it as dry as possible and they would change it on Monday. When we went in on Monday and they unwrapped it I was devastated. Since it had only been 3 days since the surgery it was extremely swollen and bruised, and because of the water it was white and water-logged. Hopefully it looks better next time. He is doing well now, it doesnt even phase him to have the big cast although caring for him is much harder, he is more whiney and needy, gets frustrated easy, it takes 2 to bath him and none of his sleeves fit over his cast so dressing him is rediculous. Thats ok though because he is ok and it will end eventually! Our next appointment is next Friday so hopefully we know more by then.


egebs said...

I'm glad to hear that things went well. You are in my prayers.

Shauna Spendlove said...

Hey my dear, I was so happy to see how happy Carson can be even when something like this happens! =) He is such a stud!

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