Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is a beautiful walkway in Riverdale not to far from our house. Its right next to the Weber River...but now I guess its right in the Weber river. As of today this was the extent of the flooding. This is a walkway under the road. The Parking lot...

The walkway going under the road and then facing south.

Wow its crazy!

Sorry to the woman driving behind me as I took this, you seemed pretty mad I was going slow but this is a crazy pic, this is off 30th street.

Well it just makes me glad I live on high ground in Riverdale!


Ahles Family said...

I sell Flood Insurance! haha. That is crazy!

Shauna Spendlove said...

That is so crazy! I bet that lady behind you was mad... I've driven behind you before...! =) ha ha.. remember that day you were eating a doughnut and I called you to tell you to stay in your lane! Fun times! Miss you1

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