Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy #2 Gavi!

Well Gavin has turned 2! I think Im having a sad/happy moment, its very bitter sweet! Its bitter because he is my little baby and I want him to stay young forever but its so so so sweet because for the first time in his life things are just "normal" for him. He has been off formula for almost 2 months now and he has been off his fat called Microlipid for 2 weeks! We will have his last weight check at his 2 year appointment and I intend to return the scale in my basement! I have picture overloaded this post because I couldnt pick, they are all amazing pics! Baby Gavin was born on Oct 6th at 1035 am at 5lb 14oz and 19 inches. From moment 1 he was so sweet and calm.
So small....

He was always calm and relaxed, there was never really a time he was fussy.

In fact he was a sweet pea....I know cheesy but adorable!

And from moment 1 him and Carson were best friends, best buddies.

What a little blessing this soal is to our home!

Even though he smiles like 99% of the time even his sad faces make my laugh...

Best buddies....these are a few of my favorite things!

He always has a smile on his face!

Gavin 1 year ago on his first birthday, having a birthday treat!

Its crazy to think this year started with a surgery to possibly diagnose a more serious disease and has ended with him at almost 100%!

It was a long, fun year watching him grow!

His little personality has just popped over the last year he is a sweetie pie with a caring heart!

His lack of nutrition gave him a lack of hair which finally paid off when he won
least hair in the Riverdale baby contest! He has this way of making the funniest expressions and its like you can just read his mind!

His most recent interests are trains and puppies so for his 2nd birthday he got some new trains and inherited ALOT from family, they have been so much fun!

I am so thankful each and every day for Gavin, his personality is one of pure joy, he lights up a room. I have had so much fun watching him in the last year learn and grow, watching him learn about food and find foods he loves and foods he hates. I feel so blessed each day to have him in our home.

Here is Gavin on his Birthday! He is such a sweet spirit.

Happy 2nd Birthday to the most wonderful, sweet, and amazing boy! Gavin is such an amazing kid and has been through alot but even in the hard times when he was sick he wouldnt let it slow him down. He is a little sweetheart and always wants to help everyone around, even when Carson takes his toy and gets in trouble Gav will go give him the toy and sit in timeout with him to make him feel better. If someone is crying he is right there to try and help, I am so blessed to have this little guy. It was a tough 2 years but he has pulled through like a champ, I am so proud to be his mommy!

1 comment:

Kaylee said...

Happy Birthday, Gavin!!

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