Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Times....Great Friends!

Well here is the scoop on these girls.....First in order from left to right Lindsey, Shauna, Heidi, and Me. Well as the story goes I used to work as a CNA with Lindsey and Shauna at Manor Care. Unfortunately we lost touch after we all quite. When I went to a birth class while pregnant with Carson I ran into Shauna at the same class. She told me she was getting induced on the 19th of August. Well a few weeks later I called Shauna after Carson was born and we found that our babies Carson and Ian were born on August 20th Carson at 105am and Ian at 144am. Both at the same hospital same doctor and she was in the room next to me! Crazy I know well she was friends with Heidi who had Boston her son on August 15th and then ran into Lindsey who had her girl Jaylee on August 17th. Thats right 4 babies in 5 days! Well we started hanging out every week and it has been the greatest thing! I dont know that I would have gotten through this first year of parenthood without these girls. I LOVE THEM!

To continue our little story Lindsey got pregnant, then Shauna, then Heidi, then well me. Now I know this seems planned but really we all just started wanting another baby at the same time. So in this pic Lindsey is 38 weeks, Shauna is 30 weeks, Heidi is 13 weeks, and I am 9 weeks. Its going to be another fun year of mommy days!
Here are the stars, Remy (baby to Kaylee another mommy in the group whom we love!) Jaylee, Carson, Ian, and Boston!
Jaylee and Carson share a little smooch!

The boys!
Now for fun lets compare our 18 month olds with our 2 month olds....

Here they are Ian, Carson, Boston, and Jaylee on the first weekly mommy day! Wow have they grown (and changes)!

Well I cant wait to see what another year with this great group will bring I love them all and wouldnt change a thing!


egebs said...

How fun. It sounds like you guys have a great time. Miss you.

Kaylee said...

I love YOU! Thanks for including me too, by the way :) Remy's a lot younger but I still have lots of fun w/ you guys!

Our family of four said...

Hey Melanie,
I just finally got back on-line and was checking out everyone's blogs. What a cute post! I love the comparison of the babies at 2 months! I'm so excited to finally be back in the blogging world! Well, hopefully I'll catch up with you girls soon!

Shauna Spendlove said...

Ok, I love this post... my what a blessing it is to have such great friends!! I love you girls sooooo much and will miss you soooo much when we move! I think our kids and us will be forever friends! Like you said, I would not have survived being a mommy without you guys! =) I love you! Hope Carson is feeling better!

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