Well it has been a LONG few days. On Thursday Carson and I were cleaning out his room getting ready for winter and the new baby. We were trying on old clothes to see what we still needed to buy for winter so Carson was in his diaper and I was in my PJ's. I was in his closet and he ran out of the room for just a few minutes when I heard a HUGE CRASH and a horrible SCREAM! I ran into our room and saw Carson on the floor with a vase that held our change shattered all over him, he was screaming and covered in blood. I picked him up and ran into the bathroom thinking he just had a little cut so I looked him over and rinsed him off and saw a horrible sight. His left index finger was just hanging there the cut was so deep I could see the bone. I knew I needed help getting to the hospital so I grapped a washcloth wrapped it up and ran outside where luckily my neighbor was washing his car. I ran to his house and said "I think Carson needs to go the the ER" We must have been a sight because he dropped the stuff he was holding and looked at his finger. It was so bad he grabbed him and said go get what you need to go the hospital. I ran in the house and grapped my purse and the diaper bag, by this time they had gone through 3 washclothes and a hand towel of blood. Me, Carson, and the neighbor were covered in blood. We grabbed a pressure bandage out of the 72 hour kit and wrapped a cloth around his hand and got him in the car and I went to Mckay ER. When we got there they said oh did he get cut and I said "Ya its pretty bad" they acted like I was overreacting so right in the triage they unwrapped it and it was bleeding so bad, the nurse looked at it and at me and said "OH we should put him in the big room" Having it unwrapped for just a moment the floor was covered in blood. After we got in the room they numbed it with a topical cream and changed the dressing again, then gave him numbing with the shots and had to change the dressing again. Finally the ER doc came in and got all the stitches out and got ready to stitch him up but once he unwrapped it he looked at me and said "I think we need to call the hand surgeon it looks like he got a tendon" Well I already had figured it was that bad so they put him in a splint and sent us home to see a hand surgreon in the morning. Friday morning we went to Dr Okawa who is a plastic surgeon they unwrapped it (again) and she looked at it for just a moment and said that everything to the bone was severed including all the tendons and possibly the nerves. So it was alot worse than we had been anticipating. He will be having surgery including a incision that will probably extend into his palm. She will repair the tendons and nerves but is unsure at this time what kind of motion and feeling he will have. He is currently in a splint and is scheduled for surgery on Friday the 11th, (I really would prefer sooner but its labor day weekend). He will then be in a splint for 8 weeks followed by weeks of physical therapy. He was very brave in the
ER he barely cried when they numbed it and laid perfectly still while they cleaned and put in 2 stitches. He is doing fine as of now though he doesnt seem to mind the splint I think he is doing much better than me.
Poor little guy! I'm glad I got to see you that day!!
Oh my gosh!!! What a scary ordeal! I am so sorry he is hurt and I hope the surgery goes well on Friday. I'll keep you both in my prayers!
Wow, How scary. You will be in my prayers.
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