Taron my wonderful husband and the love of my life.
Stephanie my absolute best friend (dont mind me in this pic I just gave birth for heavens sake....and yikes)
"A true friend is someone who knows EVERYTHING about you.....and likes you anyway" Im so glad we have stayed friends and I know we will forever.
I love these girls, I never truely had "friends" in school or anything and the ones I had were not the kind of friends you want to be around. I love them so much they have inspired me, humbled me, and I find myself trying to improve myself when I am with them. These girls have truely made me a better person and here is what a adore about each one of them.
Shauna- You have a beautiful smile and I say that not only because its pleasing to the eye but because you just lighten the mood no matter the situation. Your upbeat and generally happy and content spirit fill the room with happiness. Without you around things just dont feel as upbeat and happy. You beam happiness and I envy that being the negative person I am but I am trying to learn from you.
Lindsey-You are so beautiful and I love your hair and you are so creative I have noticed that come out in you alot more lately and I wish I was like that. I love to see the new things you are coming up with and wow girl can you sew a bedding set! You can find great deals and make them work for you and you can find what you need and make it work for your budget and I wish I could do that. I also wish I could just go out and hike and climb and still love it like I used to Im glad you have kept that in your life.
Heidi-You know how to put yourself together you always look beautiful. I wish I could walk carrying my kids in heels like you do. You are so easy to talk to and I love that we can just chat. You are such a sweetheart which is funny because the first time we met way back in school I had such a different impression I know its because you are gorgeous and I was just judging you without knowing you but Im so glad we became friends and I got to know you because you are such a sweet person and a sweet spirit, your easy to be with and thats a wonderful gift to have.
Kaylee- I love the way you just resonate love for our savior I love how talking to you I am inspired to try harder to say prayers and read scriptures and yet you are real at the same time which makes it easier to be inspired by you instead of discouraged. I love to talk to you because I can just feel your testimony in every word and I envy that. You are sucha cutie to, I loved sewing with you and Im so glad we are friends. I wish I could have your will power to live a healthier lifestyle also with working out and making sure my families meals are healthy. That takes alot of work.
Terianne- sorry I know your not in the picture but I couldnt find one with everyone for some reason. I think there was a reason you and Linds met in the store. I love that you are so real with everyone, I love that you talk and speak your mind and your so confident in what you say I wish I could speak and be so comfortable with myself.
I know I would not be where I am in my life without these people. I would not be the mother I am without my girls, I would not be the person I am without my husband. Thank you for being you, you inspire me and make me work harder to improve myself, I love you all so very much.