Friday, March 26, 2010

O The Things Kids Say.....

Recently my little Carson has been saying some odd some odd times for example he will be dead asleep and suddenly pop up and say something like....






Keep in mind he is dead asleep, and generally lays back down and goes back to sleep after his sudden outburst. Its usually about food but if you know my Carson that is not to surprising.

Some of his newest additions are



and some of his favorite movie quotes are (and he uses them everyday)

"That is not Crackalackin" Madagascar 2 (said after I told him he could not have a fruit snack)

"Fly home buddy, I work alone" The incredibles (said to me while we were making breakfast together)

"Seek thee out the diamond in the rough" Alladin (just said randomly throughout the day)

He has also recently discovered that mommy and daddy actually have names. He does not use mine but after trying "daddy" a few times you will hear him yell


Everyday he will do or say something that literally stops me in my tracks and makes me laugh, Im so blessed to have such and incredible son!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gavin Update!

Well we have a little update! On friday we heard from Gavins Gastroenterologist. Now at 5 and a half months Gavin weighs......12 pounds 5 ounces! That is in the 3rd percent. His doctor wants me to continue the no dairy diet and schedule a follow up appointment on the 31st! They are still concerned about his weight gain and his poops but this is all we know so far. We will keep you updated...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

You cant pick your dad and you cant pick your nose but...

you can pick your dads nose.....

This is what happens when you thry to take a nap at our house.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Primary Childrens and Rice Cereal!

Well We had Gavins appointment at Primary Childrens yesterday in the GI department with Dr. Guthery. We first met with the Resident who got the history and then the Dr. Came in. They were very thorough and stayed in the room for about an hour. They felt confident they know what the problem is but they do have 3 ideas so we are starting with the easiest and most common, inability to break down milk protein, we will try to rule this out and move to the next. I am now on a very strict diet of anything BUT dairy. At first I thought no biggie I dont like milk. Well this pretty much includes everything. No chocolate, cake, frosting, cream, nothing with Whey or Caison in it. So I will pretty much be eating chicken and pototoes for the next 2 weeks. If by next week he gains weight that will be our diagnosis, if not we move onto the next most common. So I need some good recipes that include whole ingredients, so please think of yummy food and check the ingredients. If it has any kind of milk, whey, or caison in it its a no go. I spent 3 hours at the store trying to find things and its really hard so I know with all your eyes we can find some yummy foods. The fun news, Gavin weighs 11 pounds 9 ounces! He gained 1 ounce in 2.5 weeks! I did get to start Gavin on rice cereal. It has to be the Beech Nut brand but it was so so cute watching him eat it. It was all over in his chin fat!

My Music