Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Primary Childrens and Rice Cereal!

Well We had Gavins appointment at Primary Childrens yesterday in the GI department with Dr. Guthery. We first met with the Resident who got the history and then the Dr. Came in. They were very thorough and stayed in the room for about an hour. They felt confident they know what the problem is but they do have 3 ideas so we are starting with the easiest and most common, inability to break down milk protein, we will try to rule this out and move to the next. I am now on a very strict diet of anything BUT dairy. At first I thought no biggie I dont like milk. Well this pretty much includes everything. No chocolate, cake, frosting, cream, nothing with Whey or Caison in it. So I will pretty much be eating chicken and pototoes for the next 2 weeks. If by next week he gains weight that will be our diagnosis, if not we move onto the next most common. So I need some good recipes that include whole ingredients, so please think of yummy food and check the ingredients. If it has any kind of milk, whey, or caison in it its a no go. I spent 3 hours at the store trying to find things and its really hard so I know with all your eyes we can find some yummy foods. The fun news, Gavin weighs 11 pounds 9 ounces! He gained 1 ounce in 2.5 weeks! I did get to start Gavin on rice cereal. It has to be the Beech Nut brand but it was so so cute watching him eat it. It was all over in his chin fat!


egebs said...

So sorry to hear that you are having problems. Hopefully the doctors can figure it out. I will look through my recipes and see what I come up with. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Shauna Spendlove said...

Yay for rice cereal!! =) Hope you are doing well! You should find a good health foods store (I bet Kaylee knows where one is) they have lots of options and sections for good food that would be healthy for you! It is hard adjusting your diet! Good luck and call me anytime!! =)

Ryan and Heidi said...

I'm glad it's not me! But hopefully it all gets figured out!

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