Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First day of Pre-school!

On Tuesday Sept 7th Carson had his first day of PRESCHOOL! What a little handsome guy! Well I was worried because on Monday he woke up with a stuffy nose and I was not going to send him but the other moms said it was OK! Here he is going to the door! The first teacher is just across the street so here we are walking over!
Here is some of the group sitting on their carpet squares.

Carson and his carpet square!

Here are 2 of his friends Eli and Maybre going inside!
He brought home a paper with his name outlined in popcorn and name puzzle cut from paper when you put it together it has his name. He said they sang criss-cross-applesauce and played outside. Im so glad he has started school and I cant wait to see what he learns.

1 comment:

Shauna Spendlove said...

Ha ha I love all the new posts!! I have been waiting!! =) Glad you guys got to do fun things this summer and that Carson had a good birthday!! Looks like he scored with the presents!! They are both looking so grown up I wish it would stop!! If your kids are growing up then mine are too!! Gavin is looking a lot bigger!! Loved the popsicle pictures!! We love you guys and we are glad Carson likes preschool!! Miss you and can't wait to see you in November!

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