Monday, October 25, 2010

Gavin is 1 Lets Celebrate!

Well it happened, Gavin turned 1~ I cried at walmart picking up the invites haha. When Carson turned one I posted a bunch of pics and I wanted to do the same for Gavin! This is him having a Birthday Licorice! I love the one finger up showing us he is 1! I wanted to show some pics from his life because he has been such a wonderful, strong, amazing kid so far. During my pregnancy he was so calm all the time, he hardly moved and was so relaxed. Unfortunately I still had the preterm labor and regardless of all of our hard work he was born at 35 weeks 6 days. I was so glad we did the steroid shots because he was pretty healthy. He did have to go to transitional NICU due to blood sugar issues. He was such a good baby!
He was 5lb 14oz and had the smallest head, his head was so small that the nurses had to find a special hat to fit him, since he didnt have name until right before we left the hospital the nurses just called him tiny, or little, because he was so small! At 2 weeks he was the perfect baby, slept through the night, so calm and relaxed. He was just wonderful!
At 2 months he was blessed by his daddy, I loved his little bow tie! At 4 months he was diagnosed with malabsorption, malnutrition, and FTT. He was sent to Primary Childrens Gastroenterology for testing. Regardless of all he was going through he was the happiest baby, no fussing, no crying, he never had colic. He was pleasant all the time and I just adored him!I went on a no dairy diet to rule out milk protein intolerance. I loved watching him grow and learn, he found joy in everything and could always be found with a smile. At 6 months old he was placed on strictly formula due to weight gain issues and continues malabsorption regardless of the no dairy diet I had been following nursing him.
He has some incredible blue eyes that just shine with life, At 9 months and less than 10 pounds he was placed on an elemental formula at a high calorie mix. He finally started gaining weight! Watching him learn to sit and roll and move he would find such joy in his accomplishments. He was so proud of himself every time he would do something and would look to us for our praises!
He absolutely LOVES his big brother, they play so well together, he will follow him around and try to be like him. So far Carson has taught him to put his and like a gun and say BANG, he has taught him so many other things and I just cant help but smile when I see them together. It melts my heart! Well it happened one day all of the sudden...
His birthday was a blast, thankfully it was so warm we could be outside. He had never ever in his life had cake or anything like it so I made him a special dairy free cake. He ate and ate and LOVED every minute! I loved watching him enjoy something tastey! I am so so so proud to be the mom of this sweet sweet little boy, he is an incredible spirit and so calm. I know that he has a special reason for being in my home and I know he will accomplish alot in his life, he is driven and quiet but when he wants to talk he will say the craziest words. He is so so wonderful and I am blessed to be his mom.

1 comment:

Shauna Spendlove said...

Oh I love all the pics from his first year!! Glad he was able to have cake too!! You are such a good mom! I just love you!

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