I was tagged by Kaylee to reveal some 5's so here they are.
5 years ago I....
1. I was 18, those were the days.
2. I was planning a wedding!
3. I was a freshman in College.
4. I Was a full time employee where I met some of my best friends.
5. I just moved out on my own.
5 things on today's 'to do' list:
1. Go to church
2. Spend time with my family
3. Blog hehe
4. Cook dinner
5. keep this sabbath day holy (blogging not included)
5 snacks I enjoy:
1.Cookie dough
2. Chocolate
3. pepsi
4. cheesecake
5. ice cream
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Travel Travel Travel
2. Participate in humanitarian efforts across borders
3. Live debt free
4. Put a big chunk of money away for our kids' college
5. Save for the future
5 places I have lived:
1. Brigham city
2. Riverdale apartments
3. Riverdale home
4. Ghana Africa 1 month
5. One day we will live in Logan
5 jobs I have had:
1. CNA
2. Carhop
3. Lifeguard
4. Swimming instructor
5. Respiratory Therapist
people I tag:
1. Lindsey
2. Shauna
3. Heidi