Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well I had another long day. I went to visit a friend about 1.5 hour away. I got there late anyway and so I was feeling bad. It was fun we ate lunch and got ice cream. We were headed out to her house which is in this little town. I was driving toward an intersection and saw another car coming so I checked to make sure I didnt have a stop sign and I didnt so I continued to go I checked my mirrors and looked back at the kids and when I turned back the car was right in front of me. I didnt have time to break and I smashed into her. It was so scary because the kids were upset. Her car spun around and she almost rolled. Everyone was ok except my car it got an "ouie" as Carson says. I got a ticket for failing to yield in an uncontrolled intersection. This intersection had no stop signs no yield signs nothing so I was supposed to yield to her but I thought she had the stop sign. Stephanie took my kids so I could stay with the police. so here it is my little baby.....

It was to late to get a rental car so I ended up staying with Steph who took excellent care of me (Thanks hun~!) She fed me roast and cooked me breakfast she is an awesome friend. I got my rental car the next day and finally got to come home. This incident was just a little cherry ontop the cake that made up the last year!


Coul and Kelse Rich said...

Oh Melanie, I am glad you guys are OK. That is way scary!!

egebs said...

Glad that everything is okay. How scary. I hate intersections like that. People in Michigan are crazy though so I always yield to the not that I drive much since we only have one care. Again I'm so happy you and everyone with you is safe.

Jess said...

Glad you are all ok!

Shauna Spendlove said...

I'm so glad you guys are ok!!! We love and miss you!

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