Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well Carson got his tonsils out, I wanted to show the pics from this week, the poor kid has been miserable. He woke up well in the surgical center they had him very medicated so he slept for hours and hours. When we did get home I put him in our room and he slept and slept. When he finally did wake up he was miserable. He wouldnt eat or drink and even taking his medication was a battle. They said to expect this for about 5 days so on day 14 I was about to lose it. It took a good 3 weeks to really see Carson come back. They gave him his tonsils in a jar and his old tubes so he gets to show them off to everyone and he thinks that is so cool, although he likes to shake it and that makes it look so gross. They said his tonsils were very large and showed signs of persistant infection so Im glad they are gone. Now hopefully they dont grow back!

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