Thursday, February 18, 2010

All Grown Up?

Carson recently decided he has "grown up" and he can now do things all by himself. I wanted to show you what happens when he does thing all by himself. He often gets "stuck" He generally ends up half naked....

Or half clothed in this case... He thinks he is way bigger than his daddy...

or he is trying to be just like him....
He is always putting his feet up and "resting" or relaxing but since he cant reach while sitting ont he couch he ends up suspended in mid-air somehow....

Oh man this kid has been hilarious lately I love to see what he gets himself into.


Ryan and Heidi said...

ha ha that's too cute! I love the pictures with the ball pillows! I miss you guys! We seriously need to get toghether!

Kaylee said...

I love the picture w/ him and taron eating chips! Too cute

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