Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well Carson used to jump in the jumper for hours a day he absolutely loved it and now that Gavin is 4 months old I thought it was time to start him on the jumping to. Here are his feet, he is not quite tall enough to touch yet. Carson was trying so hard to be helpful...Well he giggled and laughed but was done after about 5 min.


Our family of four said...

So cute! Those things are a life saver once they get used to them! And I love the post about Carson! Those are the funny moments you will want to remember!

Ryan and Heidi said...

holy cow! I can't believe how big Gavin is! So cute!

Shauna Spendlove said...

Oh it is so fun when they try to be helpful!!! =) I love all the pics of Carson! He is so funny! Hope Gavin is doing good too! He is so cute! I'm sure he'll love to jump as soon as he can reach!

Stephanie said...

I'm so happy to see new pics up and that is a great insurance policy! The boys are growing up way too fast. love you!

Knutson Family said...

Hey! It's Jaicee(Ross)... I found your blog, and I just have to tell you how cute your little family is! Great job!

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