Christmas was so much fun this year, Carson was a blast. He loves santa and couldnt wait to see him EVERY time we went to the mall. He was excited for Christmas and that made the whole thing a blast! This year Taron got Strep Throat on the 23rd and ended up in Urgent care! Thank goodness I took the kids in for preventative antibiotics because when they tested them they were already positive for Strep...luckily we all got treatment so it didnt ruin the holiday! On Christmas eve we went to the movie, like we do every year with my family but Taron and Gavin stayed home because Taron was still under the weather. Carson and I went with my family and saw YOGI BEAR in 3D! Carson looked so cute with the glasses on, he is a blast to take to the movie because he LOVES it so much! After the movie we went home and got pizza and finally when it was bedtime Carson was way to wound up to even consider it! He didnt go to bed until midnight because he was so excited!!! Sometime during the night Santa came and put presents under the tree, this is what it looked like!
These were the "big" gifts! I was so excited to see them get these!
Finally at 930 Gavin woke up, then we had to wake Carson so we could all get up at the same time! As expected Carson RAN to the big boy bike and jumped on, he LOVES this thing, after all the presents were opened we took him outside and he tried to ride, he did pretty good for a first timer!
Gavin was SO SO excited about his rocket!! He climbed right on without help and giggled and laughed, he LOVES this thing!
The crazy mess after presents!
Well they got alot of fun stuff, Carson got an MP3 player for his songs and books, a bike, some books for his story reader, woody and bullseye, socks, a leapster and some games. Gavin got a radio flyer rocked, new cups with his name on them, a puppy piggybank, a little car toy, socks, and more fun toys! Well these two toys are definitely the favorites! They love to sit next to eachother and play on their new rocket and bike!
It was an awesome Christmas and I am so thankful for the people in my life that were willing to help us out! We had an amazing Christmas and I cant wait for next year!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Gavins surgery!
Well Gavin finally had his bowel biopsy on January 5th, it was something we have been waiting for for about 10 months. It started on the 4th with some prep in the morning to clean him out, at noon he had to go on a clear liquid diet until 10am the next day, after that he had to eat and drink nothing. We got to the hospital at noon and got him all dressed in his little jammies but he HATED them, or he was just really hungry and thursty!
Our surgery was scheduled at 130p but come to find out the OR is late about 2 hrs! We did lots of playing in the meantime!
This little wagon was his FAVORITE Toy but he wouldnt let go of the handle to pull him around so I had to push him.
He loved anything he could ride on!
Finally at 230p we did get in the OR, thank goodness! About an hour later he was done! They called me to PACU because he was fussy but when I got there they had given him morphine and he slept for about an hour, I finally woke him up so we could go home...his little IV...he hated it so much and when he woke up he just kept pointing to it and saying NO and OFF.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Carson and his preschool class put together a nativity program for Christmas. This is the pre-program huddle! They were all bribed with little flutes to listen and do what they practiced! Carson chose the Innkeeper, come to find out, he was the only one with a speaking part!
It was SO cute watching them act out the Nativity! Here is Carson telling Joseph and Mary "No Room" and he did it! I was so proud!
Carson started tumbling this year and in November he "graduated" from his first quarter of tumbling classes. He is the youngest in his class by about a year but his teacher raves about his awesome listening skills!
He has learned to do sumersaults! These are one of his favorites!
The balance beam is what he struggles the most with, he still needs some help but this is a huge improvement for him!
Here is Ms. Thompson giving him his ribbon!
He is so proud of his tumbling ribbon, he has learned backbends, summersaults, balance beam, lots of jumps, and some other skills! They just started trying the climbing wall and climbing rope. Mostly he has gained confidence in himself, more control over his body, and how to try new things even if we are a little scared. He jumped off the rock wall for the first time by himself the other day and he was so proud.
I know its say the least but I had to write about Halloween this year, considering it is my favorite Holiday and all. Carson was really excited all week, the Halloween party for preschool was a blast and he had other parties and activities all week! The boys looked SO cute and I just couldnt wait so at about 5:45p we got dressed and headed out!
At first Carson wanted to be Buzz Lightyear, however, once he found out Buzz couldnt carry a weapon he decided to be an Army man! We borrowed the shirt from my Dad, the pants are pajamas and the hat and gun were a dollar each at the dollar store. He had a blast in his Army costume, and it was helpful because if anything scared him while we were out he would shoot it and then he was ok!
Gavin was the Bat costume that Carson was on his second Halloween, he looked so so so cute! I cant believe he was already big enough to wear this!
Gavin used the little "Bat-mobile" and Carson walked, it was a litle wet but not rainy or cold so we set off! Carson wanted to do it all by himself so I would let him go to the door, and ring it and everything all by himself! What a big boy! Gavin got the hang of it really fast and everytime someone put one in his bucket he had to investigate it~ it was adorable!
We went to the Trujillos house for homemade wassel and a soda! When we got there there was a triple rainbow! It was really cool.
After about an hour and a half we took Gavin back home to daddy and we went out just mommy and Carson and it was a blast. He would say "lets go to that one, Im gunna get all the candies!" He loved it so much we were gone until almost 10p! He had to ride on my shoulders the last hour and finally we went home and raided the candy. It was a super fun Halloween and Im so glad I finally have a buddy to share it with~
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