Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gavins surgery!

Well Gavin finally had his bowel biopsy on January 5th, it was something we have been waiting for for about 10 months. It started on the 4th with some prep in the morning to clean him out, at noon he had to go on a clear liquid diet until 10am the next day, after that he had to eat and drink nothing. We got to the hospital at noon and got him all dressed in his little jammies but he HATED them, or he was just really hungry and thursty!Our surgery was scheduled at 130p but come to find out the OR is late about 2 hrs! We did lots of playing in the meantime! This little wagon was his FAVORITE Toy but he wouldnt let go of the handle to pull him around so I had to push him.
He loved anything he could ride on!
Finally at 230p we did get in the OR, thank goodness! About an hour later he was done! They called me to PACU because he was fussy but when I got there they had given him morphine and he slept for about an hour, I finally woke him up so we could go home...his little IV...he hated it so much and when he woke up he just kept pointing to it and saying NO and OFF.
Well we learnedhe really loves morphine and when I woke him he finally drank 3 sippy cups of juice! Well the results all came back normal, they dont know why he is having weight gain trouble but we will keep doing what we are doing...


Kaylee said...

Poor baby. I am so sorry he had to go through that. I'm glad you're a good, pro-active mom, though, and do all you can to help him. Hopefully they can figure something out soon for him.

Ahles Family said...

He's so little to go through so much! You're such a great mom, too. He's lucky to have you. And he looked so stinking cute in those hospital jammies. Get better soon Gavin!

Our family of four said...

Oh poor thing. I hate when kiddos have to go through things like that. I am glad it came back normal though!

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