Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gavin Update!

Well Gavin was weighed today and......he has only gained 3 ounces in a month, he is now 12lbs 12oz. He should be gaining a half ounce a day the pediatrician said so this is not so good. He is now strictly on Alimentum the malabsorption formula and his baby food for the next four days. Last time we tried to give him this formula he HATED it and REFUSED to take it so when I got home I was really upset. I just kept saying a silent prayer that he would take it and he DID! He drank it without a fight. I am supposed to call Primary Childrens asap and get another appointment. He will be reweighed on Monday and reassesed to see if the strict formula diet will help with the weight gain. I am also supposed to double the intake of solids to 5-6 jars A DAY! Although worried I feel much better now that he will take the formula and have high hopes for an improved weight gain by Monday! At this point I would be ok with stopping breastfeeding, I would be sad but not heartbroken since he is now 7 months old. I just hope we get this figured out, wish us luck!


Kaylee said...

Oh man I am so sorry! What a frustrating ordeal! That little guy is such a trooper, though, and always so happy. Hopefully he can chunk up soon!

Shauna Spendlove said...

Those pictures are so cute!! You are looking so good and you boys are so dang cute!! We miss you guys so much! It has been so fun to stay such great friends even though I'm in AZ! Thanks!! Let me know how the formula goes!

egebs said...

You are in my thoughts. I can only imagine your frustration and worries. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Ahles Family said...

I didn't realize how big of a struggle this is for your family... you are definitely in my prayers. Good luck!

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