Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gavin Update!

Yesterday Gavin had an appointment with the specialist. He is now 12 pounds 6 ounces which means he has only gained an ounce in 10 days. They believe he has milk protein intolerance, very common but unfortunately can only be treated with diet diet! They did however see something on his xray they wanted to check out so today we went to Primary Childrens so Gavin could have an upper GI done. That is where they drink the contrast then take a bunch of pictures to see the stomach and small bowel. Well they found he has signifigant reflux which surprised me. The rest of the results we will get later but thats what they told me as of today. Hope to hear more soon!


Coul and Kelse Rich said...

Are you kidding me....I'm sorry. I hope that the test results come back good and that it is something easily a diet (Sorry Melanie). Keep us posted!!

egebs said...

Oh, how stressful. You and your family our in my prayers.

Shauna Spendlove said...

Oh man... that stinks!! Sorry for the diet modification... what did they say about your milk supply? Well I love you and you can call me anytime!!!!

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